PSU Health Resource Fair 2011
The Portland State Queer Resource Center hosted this exciting themed health event, “Love Yourself”. LINKtherapy was excited to share with students that they had an option to receive counseling! Currently Portland State’s Counseling center has over a month wait so many students were excited that another option was available. We shared some ‘Fair Fighting Rules’ with participants…just incase they didn’t receive the valentine’s gift they wanted. Ha! We also were able to talk OHSU & National College of Natural Medicine about some projects they have going on in the community. If you know anyone who is HIV positive or has AIDS please have them contact Partnership Project for some great services, both medical and natural supports. The National College of Natural Medicine also provides alternative health care services for great prices! It was a very fun event and we were glad we were invited. Thanks Portland State!
Communi-T @ Portland QCenter
LinkTherapy was lucky to combine the opening of our counseling center with an amazing event. The Q-Center decided to sponsor a trans-resource fair, with the focus on queer friendly medical professionals. The event was really well attended and a great learning opportunity for everyone involved! We met a lot of great people who really were excited to hear about LINK & other professionals whom were a lot of fun. Everyone was so positive and it was a great way to start the company. We can’t wait for other fun events with the Q-Center in the future.